The LMC plays an important part in creating a school culture rich in information so that every student can achieve their greatest potential on their own individual path. Libraries help to shape the new ideas and perspectives that will help students become future creative and innovative society members.
The resources the LMC provides adds support to literacy, creates opportunities for students to learn,and further their own individualized education in a creative and fun way. Students are encouraged to read everyday to help them achieve a greater sense of purpose, and about the world around them.
What is the LMC?
LMC is an abbreviation for Library Media Center or Library Media Commons (some of our schools use variations on those terms). The term "school libraries" have become multi faceted spaces with a multitude of electronic media leading to an expansion in name and use.
Libraries have become a different kind of learning destination as schools have reimagined them as open, transparent spaces that invite student communication and collaboration.
On this page you will find the Destiny Link that will take you to your school's LMC. Every LMC is available during school hours to view resources, check out items, seek and share information, read, do in-school work, checkout books/magazines/newspapers, checking grades online, printing assignments, researching, surfing the internet, and work together on projects. Please contact the person(s) listed for more information.